COMSOL Releases Multiphysics 5.2a

The release has hundreds of user suggested features, the company states.

COMSOL has introduced the latest release of Multiphysics and COMSOL Server. Version 5.2a, according to the company, has hundreds of user-driven features and enhancements, and add-on products have been implemented with an emphasis on accuracy, usability and productivity.

Three new solvers have been added: The smoothed aggregation algebraic multigrid solver, domain decomposition solver and an explicit solver based on the discontinuous Galerkin method. These are all designed to deliver faster and more efficient computations.

Also enhanced is the COMSOL Application Builder, which now includes capabilities where the user interface can change during run time, centralize unit handling to better serve teams working across different countries, and include hyperlinks and videos.

“By providing our customers with the flexibility to customize the visual appearance and style of their COMSOL Server installation, they will be able to provide a cohesive brand experience that their colleagues and customers will be able to easily recognize and adopt into their existing processes,” says Svante Littmarck, president and CEO, COMSOL Inc.

Additionally, COMSOL has added features for enhanced tetrahedral meshing algorithm for coarse meshes, CFD (computational fluid dynamics) and heat transfer, chemical simulation and structural mechanics.

For more information, see COMSOL.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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